This morning (well actually last night but anyways) my dad asked if he could have what I was having for breakfast the next morning! I made us a Buckwheat Berry smoothie bowl each! It was so yum adding soaked raw buckwheat into a smoothie, it makes it so satisfying and adds some crunch!
Ingredients - serves 2
~ 1/4 cup of raw buckwheat, soaked overnight in water
~ 2 handfuls of blueberries
~ 1 frozen banana
~ few shakes of cinnamon
~ @goodbetterbruce unsweetened almond milk (enough to blend)
~ 2 teaspoons of @amazoniaco salted caramel coconut paleo protein powder
~ dash of vanilla extract
Blend in a high speed blender until smooth!! Served in my @ecoearthhomewares coconut bowls as always👌🏻Top with your favourite toppings! I topped mine with banana,@mayversfood peanut butter, salted caramel granola, cinnamon, frozen blueberries, hemp seeds and toasted coconut flakes🥥🍌🥜🍇Thanks for the inspiration @milesbeforebreakfast👍🏼🤤
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