QUINOA (KEEN - wah) It is Gluten free grain very high in protein and contains all the nine essential amino acids! It’s very nutritious and contains many antioxidants as well as minerals such as iron and magnesium! I’m especially low in iron so consuming this grain is a great benefit for me and my body!
~ 1/3 cups of quinoa flakes
~ 3/4 cups of @goodbetterbruce unsweetened almond milk
~ 1 TBSP of @amazoniaco cacao coconut protein isolate
1. Preheat a mini pot on the stove top to a low - medium heat.
2. Add in the milk and quinoa flakes to the pot.
3. Bring to a boil and then bring to a simmer for 5-7 minutes until creamy.
I served mine in my @ecoearthhomewares coconut bowl and spoon, Toppings: sliced banana, raspberries, blueberries, toasted coconut flakes, chia seeds, hemp seeds and @mayversfood smunchy peanut butter.
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