Went back to the old favourite! The old favourites never fail to satisfy the taste buds😋 and PS you need to get on caramelised bananas on top of your oats because they are the ABSOLUTE BEST! I had some requests for this recipe so here it is!
~ 1 cup of @goodbetterbruce unsweetened almond milk
~ 1/2 cup of rolled oats
~ 2 heaped teaspoons of cacao powder (add more or less depends on how chocolatey you want it to be)
~ 1 Tablespoon of @amazoniaco cacao coconut protein isolate (you can use any other chocolate protein powder you have)
~ 1 banana, half mashed and the other half sliced
1. Add the milk and oats to a mini pot on the stove top. Bring to a boil.
2. Once boiling, stir and boil for 1 minute.
3. Then bring to a simmer and let it simmer for 3-4 minutes, stirring repetitively.
4. Once the oats look like they have soaked most of the almond milk up, add in the protein powder and cacao powder as well as half of a mashed banana.
5. Stir until fully combined. Bring the oats to a “keep warm” temperature.
6.Heat up a small pan, once hot add some coconut oil and add the other half of the sliced banana along with a dash of cinnamon and a dash of pure maple syrup.
7. Cook the banana until caramelised.
Serve in a bowl (I served mine in my @ecoearthhomewares coconut bowl) with the caramelized bananas, @mayversfood peanut butter and your fav granola! I also added some hemp seeds, toasted coconut flakes and sultanas as well!
Done! Enjoy cause it tastes amazing!
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