Mmmmm that swirl of choc and PB!! I had this bowl of the other day and ooo did they taste gooooooddddd! RECIPE BELOW
Ingredients (Oatmeal):
~ 1 cup of @goodbetterbruce unsweetened almond milk
~ 1/2 cup of rolled oats
~ 1 heaped Tblsp of coconut yoghurt
~ dash of cinnamon
~ 1 tsp of maca powder
~ 2 heaped tsps of cacao powder (more or less depends on how chocolatey you want it to be)
~ 2 heaped tsps of @amazoniaco salted caramel paleo protein powder
~ 2 tsps of chia seeds
1️. On the stovetop, Add the Almond milk and oats to a mini pot. Stir and bring to a boil.
2️. Once boiling, let it boil for 1 minute, stirring as it boils.
3️. Add in the coconut yoghurt, cacao powder, maca powder and protein powder and stir until combined.
4️. Add in a few shakes of cinnamon and chia seeds and stir again. Cook for a further minute or 2. If the oats start to get dry, just add a dash of almond milk.
Remove from the heat and serve with any toppings you like or the toppings I had!!
~ strawberries, blueberries and raspberries
~ @mayversfood smooth peanut butter 🥜
~ peanuts, almonds and a Brazil nut
~ hemp seeds
~ 2 pitted dates
~ @wellnaturallyau dark 99% sugar free chocolate
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