This morning I decided to make a smoothie bowl...BUT as I was pouring it into my @ecoearthhomewares coconut bowl, I noticed it was like a floppy slime texture ;/ I didn’t know whether it was going to be good or not BUT I tasted it and OMG! The texture in your mouths so sooooooo satisfying and yummy! And the key ingredients is one of our favourites....BANANA!!
This bowl was a chocolate flavour but you can add in any powders you like such as acai or greens!! (I think I'm going to make this a regular smoothie bowl I have for breakfast now) Recommend looking at my Instagram for a full video of the texture! Link below.
~ 1 frozen banana
~ half a fresh banana
~ cacao powder
~ maca powder
~ about a 1/4 cup of @goodbetterbruce unsweetened almond milk (maybe just add a little at a time, it depends on your blender)
Blend in a high speed blender. When you stir it with a spatula, it should be a gloopy texture. :) I topped mine with my homemade ultimate chocolate granola, the other half of the fresh banana as well as chia and hemp seeds!
Link to Instagram: