Sundays stack! Used up a bunch of strawberries we had in the fridge as we bought so many because they were on sale! This stack was so yummy, layered with strawberries and choc protein coconut yoghurt!
~ 3/4 cup of buckwheat flour (@mckenziesfoods )
~ 1 tsp of baking powder
~ 3 tsp of coconut sugar
~ 1 Egg
~ 1/4 cup of water or plant mylk (@goodbetterbruce )
~ strawberries
~ choc protein yoghurt (@tropeaka choc protein mixed with @coyo_organic coconut yoghurt)
~ @mayversfood PB
~ toasted coconut
~ chia seeds and bee pollen
1. Mix the dry ingredients together, then add in wet ingredients.
2. Stir until combined and scoop 1/4 cup of the mixture into the pan.
3. Cook, flip and serve with your favourite toppings!